Friday, October 24, 2014

The Sunny-Side-Up Egg: A Lesson in Patience

A sunny-side-up egg is the highly sought after prize of patience. I believe in you.

You need:
1 egg (I splurge on cage-free)
a pat of butter, a tbsp of oil OR bacon fat
patience, young grasshopper

How To:

1) Heat your choice of fat in a small skillet over medium-low heat.
2) Be patient. 
3) Once the butter melts or the oil/fat starts to shimmer, crack your egg and gently place in the pan.
4) Lower the flame to low. Be patient.
5) Once the white looks set and opaque, spoon some of the hot fat over the yolk of the egg. This is called basting. The gentle heat will cook the top of the egg without turning it white like covering the pan would. 
6) Baste the yolk until the top of it feels hot to the touch. Yes, I touch my eggs. 
7) Turn off the heat and serve your egg in whatever way pleases you. 

The biggest mistake people make when cooking eggs (any way) is having the heat far too high for far too long. Being patient pays off--taste for yourself. 

Sunny egg with bacon, tomatoes and tomatillos. 

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