Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Pasta Carbonara: A Love Note

            Pasta carbonara is an evening dish for one. It’s a lazy food, a salty saucy indulgence. It cuts straight to the yolk, to the fat, to the part that I want and I want it all to myself. I read once in a Nigella Lawson cookbook that pasta carbonara is a food for post-coital lovers. I recalled this as I relaxed into my bed, bowl of carbonara in hand, and proceeded to slurp down every noodle in that greedy fashion which every lonely soul can surely recall.
            Nigella, maybe it is lovers’ food. But I’m going to argue that pasta carbonara tastes best alone, without sharing and without a shred of dignity. Should the peppery yolk sauce escape mouth and dribble down my lip, I’ll lick it away unabashedly.
            Perhaps this imagery is not encouraging anybody to date me or spend time with my pasta or myself.

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